Saturday, May 15, 2010

The First One

I am glad that my first love Marcos brought me onto this. I really wanted a medium to release some of my anxieties, fears, hopes, dreams, accomplishments and lessons that I have on this journey. Today I am glad that I did all the things I wanted to do for a good while. Study. Reminisce about good friends. Realizing where my priorities should be. God is good. Noticed how He placed me and helped me help my Bayside Ladies Mona and Sandra. I love them so much. Makes me realize that most of my friends from those times were more real. I love college nonetheless. I am looking forward to next semester. I am planning to have a better semester, grades, as well as better people around me. I already know who and where to look to- it's up to me to make those changes. Plan for the summer: Work at Citifield, FYI office at school and hopefully another job, get my permit, car and driving lessons, hang out with my real friends, go to the top 10 places that I wanted to go to, and to spend time with my family. Also, I wish to answer my own questions, and to continue reading and learning, which I know the love of learning is an innate ability that will never die.
Much love to my people. :) MUAH

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