Friday, May 28, 2010

Why Can't This Test Be Passed?

I am so upset right now. I am sitting on the couch so stressed. I am upset at myself. My mind is weak, and it hurts to know that. At home, I am comfortable. With friends, I am comfortable too. However, when I am travelling on my own, my mind wanders. and I get worried about what people are saying. More specifically, about my presentation. I am so afraid of people now. I am just as much as afraid of myself. This always happens when I get somewhere better than where I was before. It's so funny since I know this is a test I must pass. It's too hard and I need help. I need to go pray. But even when I pray.... I cannot find peace. I am just so exhausted..... I do not know what to do..... I am going to find help in reading a book.... interpreting my dreams. .... planing my summer even more.... especially for free stuff since I cannot spend money anymore..... God help me....

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