Monday, March 25, 2013

Haiku By Her-Lia[I]r

The wind blows freely

My ear caught the selfish lie

You are now caught on

I wrote this after recently catching someone in a lie, along with other times.


If there is one thing I hate the most it is a liar. A liar to me hides their intents, get me caught up in their actions and words and one who goes behind my back to do as they please while in my face they LIE. I will not stand for it, you are caught.

Even if I lie, I will be responsible for my actions. 

Be responsible y'all. 

Comment: the reason why I put "I" in the middle is for two reasons- a) to go with the air imagery put forth in the poem and to show that lying is a selfish act, only cares for the Ego's satisfaction.

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